Cookie Policy

When using the website with your browser settings adjusted to accept cookies, you consent to our use of cookies tools to provide the services available on the site. If you would like to modify your browser to notify you when you receive a new cookie or to disable cookies altogether, please refer to Managing Cookies below. 


Cookies are small text files that websites use to write to your hard drive, personal information is only collected if placed on the site by you. They allow your browser to remember some specific information that the web server can later retrieve and use, cookies cannot read data from your hard drive or cookies created by other sites.  When you close your browser, some cookies are stored in your computer’s memory.

Cookies are used primarily for administrative purposes, to improve your experience with websites, such as improving site security by verifying that you are who you say you are when you sign in to our site and remember your identity to save you time in navigating the site.They can note of your specified preferences such as language, time zone and timeouts after periods of inactivity.

In addition to that, we may also use cookies to undertake research and analytics to improve our website and service for you, including the compilation of statistical information such as the frequency of your use of our website, the duration of each visit and the pages visited.

For additional information on how we collect and use information that is identifiable to you, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Managing Cookies

The help menu on the menu bar of most browsers should tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies if that is your wish, or how to disable them altogether, although this may well affect how you can access a site. Also, you can disable or delete similar data used by browser add-ons, such as flash cookies, by changing the add-on’s settings or visiting the website of its manufacturer. 

The site may use functionality cookies that help the site remember your settings and preferences for use when you visit the site in the future, providing you with a more tailored user experience. These cookies store information in multiple places, again, please note that if you decline to use cookies you may experience reduced functionality on the site and may possibly prevent you from using the website at all. For more information about what cookies are set on your computer as you browse the internet and how to manage or delete them, visit




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